Information about Finland in many languages

InfoFinland is a multi-language website providing vital information to people planning to move to Finland and to immigrants already living in the country. The website also helps authorities with multi-language communications.

InfoFinland offers users reliable information in their own language about moving to Finland, work, studying, housing, education, health, family, problem situations and leisure activities.

The languages of the service are Finnish, Swedish, English, Russian, Estonian, French, Ukrainian, Spanish, Turkish, Chinese, Persian and Arabic. The language versions are identical in content.

NB (March 2023): InfoFinland API is temporarily out of use because the system is being updated. The new API is expected to be released in 2024. The text content on the site is licensed under the Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution License, so texts on the site may be used in accordance with the license. Images on the site are not licensed under the CC4.0 license.


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Additional Info

Collection Open Data
Maintainer Helsingin kaupunginkanslia
Maintainer email
Maintainer website
Links to additional information
Geographical coverage
Last modified 21.03.2024
Show change log
Created on 09.02.2017