FTIA INSPIRE - View Service (WMS) for Air Transport Networks

FTIA INSPIRE View Service (WMS) for Air Transport Networks is an INSPIRE compliant . It contains the following INSPIRE feature type: Air transport network.

The service is based on the FTIA INSPIRE Transport Networks Theme Dataset. The dataset is administrated by the Finnish Transport Agency.

The service is still under development and as such accessibility and full operationality or conformity with Inspire spesifications is not guaranteed.

Rajapinnan resurssit


Alkuperäinen tietoaineisto Linkki harvestoituun tietoaineistoon
Ylläpitäjä Ulkoinen lähde: Paikkatietohakemisto
Rajapinnan ylläpitäjä Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency
Rajapinnan ylläpitäjän sähköpostiosoite Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency
Viimeksi muokattu 13.11.2023
Näytä muutoshistoria
Luotu 15.05.2023